Ecology | Plant Biology | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Agriculture, Life and Physical Sciences

class exam


Undergraduates may enroll in 100 through 400-level courses.
Graduate students can receive graduate credit for 400 through 600-level courses.

Course ID Credit Hours Course Title
PLB 360 3 Introductory Biostatistics
PLB 435 3 Plant-Insect Interactions
PLB 440 3 Grassland Ecology
PLB 443 4 Restoration Ecology
PLB 444 4 Quantitative Plant Ecology
PLB 445 5 Wetland Plant Ecology
PLB 452 4 Plant Population Ecology
PLB 545 3 Ecosystem Ecology
PLB 546 2 Nutrient Cycling Methods
PLB 557 4 Biostatistics
PLB 558 4 Advanced Biostatistics