Molecular and Biochemical Physiology
Undergraduates may enroll in 100 through 400-level courses.
Graduate students can receive graduate credit for 400 through 600-level courses.
Course ID | Credit Hours | Course Title |
PLB 317
PLB 317 - Introduction to Medical Botany3 Credit Hours A survey of plants affecting human health and how they are used historically and in modern times, with emphasis on the biologically active constituents. Laboratory experiments will introduce students to techniques in production, isolation, chemical analysis and biological testing of medicinal compounds from plants. Prerequisites: BIOL 200A and 200B, CHEM 140A or CHEM 200 and 201. Lab fee: $25Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
3 | Introduction to Medical Botany |
PLB 320
PLB 320 - Elements of Plant Physiology4 Credit Hours The processes used by plants to meet their basic needs and to control growth and development. Prerequisite: BIOL 200B or PLB 200; CHEM 200 and CHEM 201. Lab fee: $50Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
4 | Elements of Plant Physiology |
PLB 400
PLB 400 - Plant Anatomy4 Credit Hours This course is an introduction to the differentiation, diversification and structure of plant tissues and organs, with emphasis on the organization of seed plants. Laboratory will include instruction in the techniques of microscopy used in the study of plant structure. Two lectures and two laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 200B or PLB 200. Lab fee: $50. Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
4 | Plant Anatomy |
PLB 419
PLB 419 - Plant Molecular Biology3 Credit Hours A survey of molecular phenomena unique to plant systems. Topics will include: genome organization and synteny between plant genomes, transcriptional and post-transcriptional control of gene expression, signal transduction, epigenetics, plant-pathogen interactions and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Prerequisite: BIOL 305 or CSEM 305. Restricted to junior standing. Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
3 | Plant Molecular Biology |
PLB 425
PLB 425 - Environmental Physiology of Plants5 Credit Hours The environmental physiology of plants focuses primarily on the influence of abiotic factors such as light, water, temperature, mineral nutrients, pollutants, and other abiotic factors on plant physiology, growth, development, and yield. The physiological, biochemical, and molecular basis of abiotic stress responses and the use of biotechnology to increase abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants are also explored. Prerequisite: PLB 320 or PLSS 409. Lab fee: $35. Same course as PSS and PSGAS 425 Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
5 | Environmental Physiology of Plants |
PLB 427
PLB 427 - Plant Biochemistry5 Credit Hours Exploration of fundamental biochemical pathways in plants with an emphasis upon carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Prerequisite: PLB 320 or consent of instructor. Lab fee: $35 Same course as PSAS 427 and CSEM 427 Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
5 | Plant Biochemistry |
PLB 433
PLB 433 - Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology4 Credit Hours This course will cover the basic principles of plant and animal biotechnology using current examples; gene mapping in breeding, transgenic approaches to improve crop plants and transgenic approaches to improve animals will be considered. Technology transfer from laboratory to marketplace will be considered. An understanding of gene mapping, cloning, transfer, and expression will be derived. Same Course as PSAS 433 Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
4 | Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology |
PLB 438
PLB 438 - Plant and Animal Molecular Genetics Lab3 Credit Hours Arabidopsis and Drosophila model organisms, lab-based training in laboratory safety, reagent preparation, phenotype analysis, genetics, DNA and RNA analysis, PCR, cDNA construction, cloning and sequencing of genes. Includes plant and bacterial transformation, and a population level analysis of genetic variation using RAPD markers in grasses and Alu insertion in humans. Two 2-hr labs and one 1-hr lecture per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 305 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Lab fee: $30. [listed with College of Agriculture as Techniques in Plant Molecular Biology]. Same Course as AGSY, PLSS, PSAS and ZOOL 438 Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
3 | Plant and Animal Molecular Genetics Lab |
PLB 471
PLB 471 - Introduction to Systems Biology3 Credit Hours The bioinformatic analysis of large genomic and post-genomic data sets. Integration of gene regulation, protein interaction, metabolite and hormonal signaling provides an understanding of basic cellular circuitry networks. Examine redundancy, robustness and decision making in biological systems. Lab includes databases, tools and manipulation of large data sets. Prerequisite: BIOL 305 or CS 330. Lab fee: $15 Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
3 | Introduction to Systems Biology |
PLB 475
PLB 475 - Advanced Cell Biology3 Credit Hours Cell structure at molecular and cytological levels. Includes discussions of research methods, plasma membrane, cell exterior and recognition, the endomembrane system and related organelles, self-replicating organelles, the cytoskeleton, nuclear structure and function in cell replication, cell differentiation and response, and eukaryotic cell evolution. Online, as a distance education course. Prerequisite: BIOL 306 or equivalent. Check Class Schedule for Availability |
3 | Advanced Cell Biology |
PLB 525D
PLB 525D - Cell Fractionation and Biochemistry2-4 Credit Hours A special techniques course designed for graduate students specializing in cell studies. Provides instrumentation training, with emphasis on application of the method to a research project on cell fractionation and biochemical techniques. Check Class Schedule for Availability |
2-4 | Cell Fractionation and Biochemistry |
PLB 530
PLB 530 - Plant Ecophysiology3 Credit Hours A study of the physiological processes that influence the growth, reproduction, adaptation, and geographic distribution of plants. The ecophysiology of plant stress and plant interactions. Prerequisite: PLB 320 or CSEM 409; BIOL 307. Syllabus Check Class Schedule for Availability |
3 | Plant Ecophysiology |
PLB 533
PLB 533 - Plant Growth and Morphogensis3 Credit Hours A study of the role of the environmental variables (light, temperature, etc.) and phytohormones in the growth and morphogensis of intact plants and tissue cultures. The theories of plant organogensis and the synthesis, translocation, regulation and mode of action of the major classes of phytohormones will be treated in light of the most recent literature. Three lectures per week. Prerequisite: 320 or consent of instructor. Same course as PSAS 520 Check Class Schedule for Availability |
3 | Plant Growth and Morphogensis |
PLB 571
PLB 571 - Genomics of Eukaryotes4 Credit Hours Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics are rapidly making important contributions to the life science through biotechnology. An appreciation of the genomic tools is important to all in agriculture and biology. The relationships between plant molecular biology and the biotechnology industry will be explored. Short independent practical projects in genomics, proteomics or bioinformatics will be pursued. Same course as PSAS 571 Check Class Schedule for Availability |
4 | Genomics of Eukaryotes |