Ralph W. Kelting
In SIUC Botany from 1961 to 1962
Ph.D. 1951 Oklahoma
There is apparently a Ralph W. Kelting scholarship offered for students at Pittsburg State University in Kansas.
Photos from 1961
- Ashby, W. C., and R. W. Kelting. 1963. Vegetation of the Pine Hills field station in Southwestern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 56:188-201.
- Buck, P., and R. W. Kelting. 1962. A survey of the tall grass prairie in northeastern Oklahoma. Southwestern Naturalist 7:163-175.
- Kelting, R. W. 1951. Vegetation and soil conditions of prairie and pasture plots in central Oklahoma. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.
- Kelting, R. W. 1952. A comparison of organic carbon, hydrogen- ion concentration, and volume weight of some central Oklahoma soils. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 33:151-156.
- Kelting, R. W., and W. T. Penfound. 1953. Literature on the vegetation of Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science for 1953. 126-135.
- Kelting, R. W. 1954. Effects of moderate grazing on the composition and plant production of a native tall-grass prairie in central Oklahoma. Ecology 35:200-207.
- Kelting, R. W. 1957. Winter burning in central Oklahoma grassland. Ecology 38:520-522.
- Kelting, R. W., and W. T. Penfound. 1950. The vegetation of stock pond dams in central Oklahoma. American Midland Naturalist 44:69-75.
- Kelting, R. W., and W. T. Penfound. 1953. Literature on the vegetation of Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 34:126-135.
- Kelting, R. W., and E. L. Rice. 1952. A simplified apparatus for organic carbon determination by the Walkley and Black method. Ecology 33:578-579.
- Penfound, W. T., and R. W. Kelting. 1950. Some effects of winter burning on a moderately grazed pasture. Ecology 31:554-560.
- Rice, E. L., and R. W. Kelting. 1955. The species-area curve. Ecology 36:7-11.
- Rice, E. L., R. W. Kelting, and W. Penfound, T. 1952. Effects of oat straw and native hay mulches on plant composition and edaphic factors of a revegetating, abandoned field. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 33:174-179.