Assembly of the information presented on the "Plant Biology History" web pages was made possible through the assistance of many individuals. For photographs, two sources provided the lion's share: scrapbooks and other material archived by the Plant Biology program and the SIU publication the Obelisk. The latter is essentially a yearbook that contained photographs of many of the faculty that worked on this campus during the 1950s and before. Thanks go to Steve Buhman, Phil Bankester, and Jeff Garner, Media and Communications Resources, for making those volumes available. Library specialist Darla Loftus kindly made available volumes from the Special Collections Resource Center that greatly aided assembly of information on past faculty, such as the complete set of University catalogs and relevant literature such as the University Archive Record Group Handbook, Plochman (1955 "The Ordeal of Southern Illinois"), the S.I.N.U. Alumni Directory of Faculty (1874-1945), and Mitchell (1988 "Delyte Morris of SIU"). Employment information was obtained from the SIU Board of Trustees Annual Reports and with the assistance of Victoria Peters in Human Resources. Personal recollections were generously offered by Drs. Robert Mohlenbrock and W. Clark Ashby. Dr. Daniel Nickrent is responsible for painstakingly compiling, and subsequently documenting the extensive history of the department as well as structuring the website as you see it now. To all those who have helped in this project, we offer our heartfelt thanks!