Andrew Wood
Professor. Stress physiology

Phone: 618.453.5609
Office: Life Science II, Room 431
The molecular, cellular and biochemical responses of plants to water-deficit stress is the central, and long-term, interest of my research program. My laboratory is pursuing a two-pronged strategy, one basic and one applied, with the ultimate goal of improving drought-tolerance and yield stability within crop plants. Our basic research utilizes the desiccation-tolerant moss Tortula ruralis as a model system for studying post-transcriptional gene control, cellular repair mechanisms, and as a source of novel tolerance-associated genes. Another applied research area is analyzing the biochemical, molecular and physiological mechanisms that control yield stability under drought-stress in soybean (Glycine max).
Ph.D. 1994, Purdue University
Selected Publications
1. Gao B, Chen M, Li X, Liang Y, Zhang D, WOOD AJ, Oliver MJ, Zhang D (2020) Ancestral Gene Duplications in Mosses Characterized by Integrated Phylogenomic Analyses. Journal of Systematics and Evolution DOI: 10.1111/jse.12683
2. Wang J, Yang H, Gao B, Bozorov TA, Li X, Zhang D, WOOD AJ (2020) Analysis and Characterization of the Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) Gene Superfamily in the Desert Moss Syntrichia caninervis. in Response to Abiotic Stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104176
3. Gao B, Chen M, Li X, Liang Y, Zhang D, WOOD AJ, Oliver MJ*, Zhang J* (2019) Integrated Phylogenomic Analyses Reveal Recurrent Ancestral Large-scale Duplication Events in Mosses. bioRxiv doi:
4. Li X, Liang Y, Mijiti M, Gao B, Zhang D*, WOOD AJ (2019) ScDREB10, an A-5c Type of DREB gene in the Desert Moss Syntrichia caninervis, Confers Osmotic and Salt Tolerances to Arabidopsis. Genes 10(2) 146; doi: 10.3390/genes10020146.
5. Yang H, Zhang D, Zhang D, Bozorov TA, Abdullaev AA, AJ WOOD, Wang J, Li X, Zhao J (2019) Overexpression of ALDH21 from Syntrichia caninervis Moss in Upland Cotton Enhances Fiber Quality, Boll Component Traits, and Physiological Parameters during Deficit Irrigation. Crop Science doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.08.0477
6. Li X, Gao B, Zhang D*, Liang Y, Liu X, Zhao J, Zhang J, WOOD AJ (2018) Identification, Classification and Functional Analysis of AP2/ERF Family Genes in the Desert Moss Bryum argenteum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19: 3637.
7. Gao B, Chen M, Zhang D, WOOD AJ, Oliver MJ*, Zhang J* (2018) Evolution by Duplication: Reconstruction of Paleopolyploidy Events in Plants by Deciphering the Evolutionary History of VOZ Transcription Factors. BMC Plant Biology 18:256 (doi: 10.1186/s12870-018-1437-8)
8. Gibson DJ*, Young BG, WOOD AJ (2017) Can Weeds Enhance Profitability? Integrating Ecological Concepts to Address Crop-Weed Competition and Yield Quality. Journal of Ecology 105: 900-904 (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12785) 63.
9. Schwartz LM*, WOOD AJ, Gibson DJ (2014) Trigonelline Accumulation in Leaves of Panicum virgatum Seedlings. Natural Products Communications 9: 1163-1166.