Karen Renzaglia
In SIU Plant Biology from 2005 to 2017

Phone: 618.453.3229
Office: Life Science II, Room 459
email: renzaglia@plant.siu.edu
My lab focuses on describing the ultrastructure, morphology and development of cells, tissues and organs in bryophytes, pteridophytes, and seed plants. These studies have generated new phylogenetic information and new insight into evolutionary modifications of cell architecture and ontogeny. I am currently a collaborator on the Green Tree of Life project and a PI on a hornwort biodiversity and biogeography project. My research team, the Green Morphology Group, includes graduate and undergraduate students who are involved in a variety of projects including ultrastructural studies detailing sperm cell development, fertilization in ferns, sporogenesis in bryophytes, and experimental studies to ascertain the role of the cytoskeleton in cell differentiation.
Ph.D. 1981, Southern Illinois University
Selected Publications
- Brown R.C., BE Lemmon, M Shimamura, JC Villarreal and KS Renzaglia. 2015. Spores of relictual bryophytes: diverse adaptations to life on land. Review Paleobotany and Palynology. in press
- Villarreal J.C. and K.S. Renzaglia. 2015. The hornworts: important advancements in the early evolution of land plants. Journal of Bryology. Invited review. In press
- Renzaglia, K.S., R.A. Lopez, and E.E. Johnson. 2014. Callose is integral to the development of permanent tetrads in the liverwort Sphaerocarpos. Planta DOI 10.1007/s00425-014-2199-7
- Barker A.R., K.S. Renzaglia, K. Fry and H.R. Dawe. 2014. Bioinformatic analysis of ciliary transition zone proteins reveals insights into the evolution of ciliopathy networks. BMC Genomics 2014 15:531
- Merced, A. and K.S. Renzaglia. 2014. Developmental changes in guard cell wall structure and pectin composition in the moss Funaria: implications for function and evolution of stomata. Annals of Botany 114:1001-1010. Journal cover.
- Lopez, R.A. and K.S. Renzaglia. 2014. Multiflagellated sperm cells of Ceratopteris richardii are bathed in arabinogalactan proteins throughout development American Journal of Botany 101:2052-2061.Journal cover.
- Duckett, JG, R Ligrone, K Renzaglia and S Pressel. 2014. Pegged and smooth rhizoids in complex thalloid liverworts (Marchantiopsida): structure, function and evolution. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174: 68–92
- Merced, A and Renzaglia KS. 2013. Moss stomata in highly elaborated Oedipodium (Oedipodiaceae) and highly reduced Ephemerum (Pottiaceae) sporophytes are remarkably similar. American Journal of Botany 100: 2318-2327
- Renzaglia, KS and Whittier, DP. 2013. Microanatomy of the placenta of Lycopodium obscurum: novel design in an underground embryo. Annals of Botany112: 1083-1088.
- Ligrone, R., Duckett JG, and Renzaglia KS. 2012. The origin of the sporophyte shoot in land plants: a bryological perspective. Annals of Botany 110 (5): 935-941.
- Ligrone, R., Duckett JG, and Renzaglia KS. 2012 Major transitions in the evolution of early land plants: a bryological perspective. Annals of Botany. 109: 851–871